А смысл?
Внезапно из Вики. Видимо статью допиливали недавно знающие люди. Нового мало, но вот этот кусочек очень компактно и хорошо написан. (Разве что, про Накая в Кумамото много, а про Кима буквально 4 слова...а он там неделю почти просидел, по целому дню у плиты.)
Я, кстати, не знала, что они вскладчину оплачивают свое обращение в конце каждого смасма как эфирное время рекламы.


SMAP is regarded the most dedicated, influential philanthropist in the Japanese entertainment industry.[118] They have actively offered philanthropic support especially to the victims and regions affected by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes. On August 26 and 27, 1995, SMAP hosted NTV’s annual telethon, 24 Hour Television, and raised 1.1 billion yen. On August 27 and 28, 2005, Kusanagi and Katori hosted the 24 Hour Television, again, and raised one billion yen.

In 2011, after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, they bought a 30-second television commercial block in their weekly television program, SMAPxSMAP, to air a commercial on the information about the Japanese Red Cross Society and a message from the band members encouraging people to donate. Rather than reusing the ones aired in the past, they have been reshooting the commercial every time they have a taping and have them aired every week at the end of the program. Since March 2011, they have actively worked as the members of Marching J, a charity organization established by their agency, Johnny & Associates. Each band member have kept the amount of donations made individually confidential but the media have reported that the total amount surpasses five-hundred million yen. Nakai has revealed in an interview that he donates money every year in March.

On May 4, 2011, their first and only digital single, "Not Alone" was released. Initially scheduled to serve as the band's 46th single, it was later canceled and released digitally in light of the earthquake and the situation in Japan, considering circumstances in power shortages and distribution. One hundred yen per single downloaded was donated to the victims. On July 23 and 24, 2011, Nakai hosted the annual twenty-seven hour long television special, FNS 27 Hour Television, for the fifth time. A special episode of "Bistro SMAP", a cooking segment on SMAPxSMAP, was aired during the show, titled "Bistro SMAP On The Go". Four members flew to regions that were affected by the earthquake and tsunami, Kimura and Inagaki to Iwate prefecture and Kusanagi and Katori to Fukushima. The four members cooked a total of one-thousand meals to the victims evacuated in these areas. Nakai started to host his own music show, Ongaku no Hi, meaning "music day", to show their support to all those affected by the earthquake and tsunami. The program is aired every summer since 2011.[119] On August 17, 2011, the band released their fifth compilation album, SMAP Aid, to support the people affect by the earthquake and tsunami. Two-hundred yen per album sold were donated to the victims. Being that it was the band's twentieth anniversary, many predicted a tour after the release of the album but the band canceled it due to power shortage in Japan that year.

After the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, the content of their 30-second long commercial changed, adding a new message by the band members toward the victims in Kumamoto. On April 24, ten days after the earthquake, Nakai made an unannounced surprise visit to an elementary school in Kumamoto, used as a shelter for the evacuees.[120] During the few hours of his stay, he cooked and served meals to the victims and delivered massage chairs for the elderly, after hearing that many were suffering from venous thrombosis. On May 7, Nakai made another unannounced surprise visit to a school in Kumamoto. He delivered portable video games to children and a truck-load of Baskin Robbins ice cream with refrigerator vans, as Japan had experienced a sudden rise in temperature that week and none of the schools had refrigerators or freezers to keep beverages and food in.[121] Although Baskin Robbins does not deliver using refrigerator vans to mountain areas, exceptions were made, after Nakai made a call. On May 15, Nakai and Katori made an unannounced surprise visit together to a school in Kumamoto.[122] They cooked and served meals to the evacuees and spent time with children. On June 12, Kimura made a visit to Kumamoto and cooked and served meals as well.[123]

Endorsements and partnerships

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@темы: S-M-A-P, разное

22.11.2016 в 21:32

Уносите тело!
Хм интересно, не ново, но про то, что они сами купили этот 30 секундный блок не знала
22.11.2016 в 21:32

Уносите тело!
Хм интересно, не ново, но про то, что они сами купили этот 30 секундный блок не знала
22.11.2016 в 21:34

А смысл?
и после этого, кто то еще в чем то смеет их обвинять?? Как тогда стали вопить, что Смап не реагируют на Кумамото!
22.11.2016 в 21:38

Уносите тело!
вот ож или похваливаться достижениями других
23.11.2016 в 08:34

теперь понятно, почему, когда про закрытие СмаСма заговорили, фаны подняли вопрос, что будет с этим обращением. я думала, что этот блок - инициатива агентства с 2011 года, а здесь вон что!

Разве что, про Накая в Кумамото много, а про Кима буквально 4 слова
очень плохо(
23.11.2016 в 08:37

Уносите тело!
Агенство как обычно игнорило Смап до поры до времени
23.11.2016 в 08:40

А смысл?
теперь понятно, почему, когда про закрытие СмаСма заговорили, фаны подняли вопрос, что будет с этим обращением. я думала, что этот блок - инициатива агентства с 2011 года, а здесь вон что!
оказывается, что это идея и воплощение их самих. Причем очень неплохая идея.

очень плохо(

возможно, что это писалось еще перед поездкой Кима, поэтому только добавили в конце кусочек.
23.11.2016 в 08:47

Агенство как обычно игнорило Смап до поры до времени
наверно я раньше слишком хорошо о нем думала. сейчас понимаю, что панда - его потолок.

а еще были Нододжиманы с жителями пострадавших территорий, наши мужики их не забыли.
23.11.2016 в 08:59

Уносите тело!
cher_nika, и реклама с Арашами его потолок агв

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